End of Gallery

Mr. Cisneros has created an excellent video featuring our amazing Elective teachers. You cannot watch this as an upcoming Ranger and not be inspired by what our programs have to offer. Mr. Cisneros captured brilliantly the work you all are doing here with our students. Great work, everyone and thank you, Mr. Cisneros. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r2e2_K-J3OeGzFWcOww1DIYExK9dafHN/view?usp=sharing
Mr. Jones

Shout out to TECH R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Participants from Driscoll MS. (This year the office of Instructional Technology launched a new digital citizenship campaign called Tech R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Students had the opportunity to create one of seven topics and one of three ways to share how their ethical choices can help shape a better digital world.
Simon Rios

Students from 6th, 7th and 8th grade represented Driscoll MS at the Coastal Bend Engineering Competition. They learned about different areas of engineering and were able to compete, collaborate, and communicate their results against area middle school teams. They did great! Go Forth and Conquer! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1A-L6YLB-MRd-uSIkNChV_qzlfkFifc_ZXjEIfe6eZa0/present?slide=id.g2bcd54cebe1_0_44
Simon Rios