🚨Attention Ranger Golfers🚨
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
Ranger golf
Ranger golf
#blackhistorymonth at DMS!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
black history month
black history month
black history month
black history month
black history month
black history month
black history month
black history month
black history month
Driscoll students at the High School Expo this evening. #destinedforgreatness #rangerpride #ccisdproud
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
hs expo
hs expo
hs expo
hs expo
hs expo
hs expo
Earth's seasons lab activity in Ms. Snyders Class.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
Earth's seasons lab activity
Earth's seasons lab activity
The Robotics Club in action!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
robotics club
robotics club
Happy Counselor Week to our very own Mr. Valenzuela and Ms. Gonzales! Rangers please help us celebrate them this week!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
Driscoll Ranger counselors
Join us for the High School Expo on Feb. 6!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
hs expo
Help us say a HUGE thank you to our School Counselors. They wear so many hats and provide great support to our students.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
happy counselors week
Driscoll Rangers in today's all-city band concert. #destinedforgreatness #rangerpride #ccisdproud
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
all city band concert
Our RLA team rocking PD this morning. Such great conversations and collaboration! #DestinedForGreatness #RangerPride #CCISDproud
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
RLA team PD
RLA team PD
RLA team PD
Attention 8th grade students: We are having a parent meeting for our upcoming cheer tryouts for Miller tryouts.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
Please mark your calendars for the upcoming high school expo.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
upcoming high school expo
A note from Coach Evans: Please follow our new athletic Facebook and X (Twitter) accounts for all Ranger athletic updates and news!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
new Facebook Athletic’s page
new twitter and Facebook Athletic’s page
A note from Mr. Palomin: There will be no Anime and Gamers' Club today until next Wednesday 2/7/2024. Fishing Club will be meeting up Tomorrow 2/1/2024: Reminder to bring signed permission slips for fishing trip. Thank you, Mr. Palomin
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
gaming club notice
fishing club notice
Good Morning Rangers, In honor of Black History Month I am hosting an AR incentive all the month of February. I am encouraging students to read books and take AR tests over biographies of famous African Americans and/or books written by African Americans in order to win prizes. Once a student takes an AR takes and passes the test with a 100% they can come visit me in the library. The students will be able to spin the wheel of prizes to win different prizes. Prizes will range from candy, pencils, bookmarks, snacks, and books! Please be sure to share this information with your students. And I look forward to seeing all your classes in the library this month!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
reading incentives.
🚨Recycle Contest ♻️
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
recycle counter
Attendance Contest Rangers!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
attendance contest
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
parent survey
Please help us continue to celebrate our National Board Certified Educator, Mrs. Evelyn DeLaPaz-Rios! #destinedforgreatness #rangerpride #ccisdproud
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
national board certified
Mrs. Rios
🚨It's Official🚨 Presenting your 8th Grade Boys Champions! 1st place in the tournament! 🏀🥇Way to go Rangers! #destinedforgreatness #rangerpride #ccisdproud.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
final score
8th Grade Boys Champions