Ms. Snyder's 1st period made anemometers and calculated wind speed using a chart.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
lab experiments
lab experiments
8A Girls basketball Wednesday vs Hamlin. They got the WIN! Great job ladies!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
7A Girls basketball Wednesday vs Hamlin. They got the WIN! Great job ladies!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
girls bb
🏀Basketball Schedule for the week🏀
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
basketball schedule for the week
Rangers please help us congratulate our Spelling Bee participants, they all worked really hard. AND THE WINNER of our DMS Bee is Aylinn Arizpe! If you see her, please congratulate her! She will be representing Driscoll Middle School in the Regional Spelling Bee. Also, 6th grader Callaen Enriquez was our 1st runner up! Please congratulate him as well! #destinedforgreatness #rangerpride #ccisdproud
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
judges of the Spelling Bee
participants of the Bee
participants of the Bee
the Bee announcer
the Bee Winner
first runner up, winner, and announcer
the winner and first runner up
Ranger Spelling Bee!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
spelling bee Friday
7th graders having fun today seperating worms from their castings for use as a rich fertilizer for our school's community garden! 🦋🥦❤🥬
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
students completing a lab experiment
hands on lab
hands on lab
hands on lab
hands on lab
hands on lab
hands on lab
hands on lab
Did you opt-in to SchoolMessenger? Send "Yes" to 67587 to receive text messages about school closings, safety alerts and more.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
school messenger information
Save the date!
about 1 year ago, Jennifer Luna
miller 9th grade orientation